Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Planner/SME
SRG is seeking an experienced psychological operations (PSYOPS) planner/SME to integrate PSYOP functions and tasks into all facets of Combatant Command (CCMD)/Unified Command level planning, and to ensure the command group and staff consider PSYOPS in the decision-making process. The candidate will integrate PSYOP into all contingency plans and operations plans and ensure that PSYOP capabilities are considered in the deliberate and crisis action planning processes.
Fort Mead, Maryland
The PSYOP planner is expected to provide expert mission analysis, analytic problem solving, and assessment skills.
Additionally, be creative in using information related capabilities (IRC); integrate with interagency and intelligence community (IC); develop innovative concepts to counter adversarial use of information in the Information Environment (IE) and consider significant or key cultural aspects that affect operational and tactical planning, security, and risk assessments.
The ideal candidate should demonstrate the ability to review, analyze, and operationalize tactical and operational level IO-related directives in support of mission elements.
As a PSYOP subject matter expert, the candidate must be effective at applying technical skills to tactical, operational, and strategic level planning/execution, identifying and tracking measures of performance through attainment of measures of effectiveness, and providing advice concerning the application of PSYOPs during the development of operational concepts.
They must evaluate the effectiveness of PSYOP products, analyze psychological vulnerabilities, and susceptibilities of PSYOP target audiences to determine potential for exploitation.
They will evaluate current intelligence, PSYOP studies and estimates to determine PSYOP targets.
The candidate should have a working knowledge of information operations (IO), military deception (MILDEC, operations security (OPSEC), electronic warfare (EW), and cyberspace operations missions, tasks, and overall warfighting functions that support operations, understand how to integrate Army capabilities, and be capable of syncronizing activities of mutual concern.
Familiarity with other core, supporting, and related IO competencies to assist CCMD planners is required.
Candidate must be an expert in oral, visual & written communications and briefing techniques; must be able to effectively advise, negotiate and persuade various managers, military officials, and senior leaders; and must be effective at gaining acceptance of recommended concepts, ideas, guidance, policies, and regulations.
Bachelor's degree and eight (8) - ten (10) years of planning experience or a combined, total, minimum of twelve (12) years between education and relevant service. Additional experience will be considered in lieu of education requirements.
U.S. Army PSYOP (37A/37F) MOS career field designation or service equivalent.
Knowledge in joint operational planning process, military decision-making process, and military campaign plan planning, targeting processes and expertise in developing and accessing tactical and operational level PSYOP/MISO plans and orders.
Minimum five (5) - eight (8) years of experience with PSYOP/MISO planning at the service or joint level in support of operations at Combatant Commands or Joint Task Forces.
Knowledge of service departments (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force) functions and their relationships to CCMDs to coordinate PSYOP/MISO actions in appropriate channels, e.g., Army, Navy, Air Force, or Joint.
Experience with joint and/or combined military operations and interagency coordination.
Knowledge of DoD joint, and Army service doctrine, regulations, and policies.
Capable of recommending changes to policy, force structure and design, and command relationships.
Proficient in integrating PSYOP/MISO capabilities into cyber plans and operations.
Knowledge of military command relationships, and command and control (C2) procedures.
Able to coordinate PSYOP/MISO actions within the proper channels and develop policies that incorporate the principle of C2.
Experience with integrating, coordinating, and synchronizing adjacent and supporting operations, as well as developing support for related capabilities and their activities.
Be familiar with, certified in, or have applicable operational/field time experience in:
Military Deception (MILDEC)
Cyberspace operations
Coordinating intelligence requirements
Ability to engage senior leaders/staff and conduct complex briefings to large audiences.
Ability to work effectively within task organized working groups.
Expertise in planning, integrating and coordinating with interagency and intelligence community entities.
Adept at developing and utilizing information products that leverage current and emerging technologies to inform planning, improve coordination, and enable timely decisions.
Must demonstrate creative and critical thinking.
Capable of quickly learning new skills.
Flexible and adaptable.
U.S. citizen.
Possess or ability to obtain a U.S. Passport.
Clearance: This position requires an active top secret/sensitive compartmented information security clearance, based on current security background investigation.
Recent joint or service level PSYOPs planning experience
Joint Cyber Operations Planners' Course
Joint Information Operations Planner Course
Defense OPSEC Planner Course
Special Warfare Advanced Targeting and Analysis Course
Special Operations MILDEC Planners' Course
Irregular Warfare Course
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